
I don’t want to forget this feeling: flying full-tilt downhill on my mountain bike, up on my feet, out of the saddle, my weight back. Sunlight dapples the dirt trail and everything around me feels fresh and green, even as I smell autumn in the air rushing past my face. This. Feels. So. Good. My […]

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From Winter to Water

I dropped out of the tree and into the pool. Out of Ontario winter and into the Florida sun. I had sworn I wouldn’t. “My family are in Ontario,” I had protested to anyone who asked. I would miss dinners with my parents, followed by shared crossword puzzles and Raptors games. “And the girls.” Never […]

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Snow Dance of the Intrepid

I don’t believe in driving my car through a blizzard—I would have made the trip to my daughters’ university and back by now were it otherwise—but I’m not opposed to stepping outside to brave a snow storm on my own two feet. Granted, those feet won’t stray too far from my front doorstep. There is […]

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The Year of Living Uncomfortably

2016, it is decreed, shall be The Year of Living Uncomfortably. What does it mean to Live Uncomfortably? It means doing something that I’d rather not do. For example, driving on highways which, for me, has become the equivalent of a live-action horror movie. Gut-knotting, hands-sweating, arms locking-up, eyes bugging out—if I could just get my head […]

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Come Outside to Play

                It started wth the leaves. For once, I decided to gather them up rather than leave them to blow into the vacant lot next door, or up against the cedars that line my side yard.  This was my purported reason for grabbing the rake. Then I decided […]

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Feeling Stressed? Try Hands-Free Balloon Elevation Therapy (HBET)

I’ve noticed a lot of stress in the environment lately, afflicting friends and loved ones alike. I am certainly not immune, so in an effort to lighten our collective loads, I decided to, well, bat a balloon around. This is what I discovered. Hands-free balloon elevation therapy (HBET) is a unique healing modality for persons […]

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I am Bunny, Hear Me Roar

The rabbit stands motionless, balanced mid-step, a foot away from the cedar hedge. Its body stretching, lengthened, one front foot raised, as though caught in a freeze-frame, a thoroughbred mid-stride. The cat – my cat – lays on the back porch, seemingly relaxed. If you look carefully, though, you’ll notice her rear feet firmly grounded, […]

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How do You Say Good Morning?

I flounce into the kitchen, execute two leaping arabesques, first on the right and then on the left, and land in deep plié. I rise slowly, floating my hands up in front of my body, then opening them into a whole-hearted third position, and then I launch into a somewhat off-balance, though well-intended, pirouette. I […]

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